Indiana University Bloomington
K200 - Microcomputer Applications in Kinesiology - School of Public Health-Bloomington




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Week 9 - Access

Topics & Projects

Microsoft Office 2016 logo for Access


  1. Create a database
  2. Create a table
  3. Create a form
  4. Create a report
  5. Choose new theme for Form and Report
  6. Create queries
  7. Enter data
  8. Save and close database
  9. Backup database


Topic Covered in Week 9 - Access:

  • Before You Begin - Week 9 - Access
  • Projects - Week 9 - Access
    • Projects – Power of the Database - Queries
    • Major Project #3 - Access

Together We Will Do:

  • Cover Major Project #3 - Access

Projects Due:

Go to Week 9 - Access to see complete list.


Bit of Humor:


Woman staring at computer screen.

Comic comparing Access and Excel


Database managers rely on miracles.

People asking the database manager for help.

Baby asking what kind of sorcery Access is.

Can't you do anything right? graphic

Woman shooting computer

Further Resources:

Projects Due for Week 9:  Check All Project Due Dates

Weekly Projects:

  • ACCESS: Video 4 - Power of the Database – Queries

Major Project:

Major Project #3 - Access

Of Note: Comparing Access and Excel

Further Study: